What’s NEW

08.2024 | Hong Kong Green Building Week 2024 | 4-Colour Biz-Green Outfits Challenge
2024年8月 | 香港綠色建築週2024 | 輕.型四色穿搭挑戰

08.2024 | Customer Story (2024.08) | Hysan Place: An Eco-Friendly Transformation with Trane CenTraVac® Chiller to Enhance Environmental Sustainability for Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization
客戶成功故事(2024年8月)| 特靈CenTraVac®冷水機助力希慎廣場實現環保轉型——透過提升能效及減碳達致增強環境可持續性

05.2024 | News Release (May 2024) | Trane Technologies Accelerates Growth through Leading Sustainability Performance
特靈新聞稿(2024年5月)| 特靈科技憑藉卓越的可持續發展表現加速業績增長

03.2024 | Trane eNews (Mar 2024) | Advancing Safety and Sustainability Standards with Trane® Technologies
特靈通訊(2024年3月)| 特靈®科技提升安全及可持續發展標準

01.2024 | Customer Story (2024.01) | Swire Properties Boosts Energy Efficiency and Sustainability with Trane’s Leading Climate Solution at One Island East
客戶成功故事(2024年1月)| 太古地產採用特靈領先氣候解決方案提升港島東中心能源效益及促進可持續發展

12.2023 | Trane eNews (Dec 2023) | Trane Technologies Named to “Top 100 Responsible Brands” for Revitalizing Rural Education
特靈通訊(2023年12月)| 特靈科技助力鄉村教育振興 榮登「Top 100 最佳責任企業品牌」榜單

12.2023 | Customer Story (2023.12) | Chinachem Adopts Trane® Air-Fi® Wireless I&T Solution for Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort in Nina Tower Offices
客戶成功故事(2023.12)| 華懋採用特靈®Air-Fi®無線創科方案提升如心廣場辦公室的能源效益與熱舒適度

10.2023 | Trane eNews (Oct 2023) | Trane Technologies Celebrates Third Anniversary of Listing on NYSE
特靈通訊(2023 年 10 月)| 特靈科技慶祝在紐交所上市三週年

08.2023 | Hong Kong Green Building Week 2023 | 4-Colour Biz-Green Outfits Social Challenge
香港綠色建築週(2023年8月) | 輕.型四色Social Challenge

08.2023 | Customer Story (2023.08) | Trane’s Innovative Solution Enhances Air Quality and Passenger Experience at MTR Stations
客戶成功故事(2023年8月) | 特靈創新解決方案提升港鐵站空氣質素及乘客體驗

06.2023 | Customer Story (2023.06) | Swire Partners with Trane to Create a Greener Built Environment at Two Taikoo Place
客戶成功故事(2023年6月) | 太古地產與特靈協力締造更環保的太古坊二座建築環境

05.2023 | News Release (May 2023) | Trane Technologies Unveils its 2022 ESG Report
特靈新聞稿 |(2023年5月)| 特靈科技發布2022年ESG 報告

05.2023 | Trane eNews (May 2023) | Trane Expert Speaks at ESG Asia Forum, Sharing Insights on Energy Efficiency
特靈通訊(2023年5月)|特靈專家在 ESG 亞洲論壇上發表演講,分享對能源效益的見解(只提供英文版)

05.2023 | Trane Hong Kong Expert to Speak at Build4Asia 2023 Trade Show

04.2023 | News Release (Apr 2023) | Trane® by Trane Technologies Celebrates 110 Years of Pioneering Innovation
特靈新聞稿(2023年4月)| 特靈科技品牌Trane®慶祝開拓創新 110 週年(只提供英文版)

03.2023 | Customer Success Story (March 2023) | Hongkong Land Embraces Sustainability with Trane’s New Climate Solutions
客戶成功故事(2023年3月)| 特靈新氣候解決方案助力香港置地擁抱可持續發展

02.2023 | eNews (Feb 2023) | Trane Technologies Named to FORTUNE’s World’s Most Admired Companies List
特靈通訊(2023年2月)| 特靈科技連續11年榮登《財富》“全球最受尊敬公司”榜單

02.2023 | News Release (Feb 2023) | Trane Technologies Acquires AL-KO Air Technology
特靈新聞稿 (2023年2月)| 特靈科技收購愛科空氣技術

12.2022 | Trane eNews (Dec 2022) Trane Technologies Named One of the Worlds Best Employers by Forbes
特靈通訊(2022年12月)| 特靈科技再度榮登《福布斯》“全球最佳僱主”榜單

10.2022 | Trane eNew (Oct 2022) | A Playbook for Action: Setting Science-Based Corporate Climate Goals
特靈通訊(2022年10月)| 行動手冊:設定基於科學的企業氣候目標(只提供英文版)

09.2022 | Trane eNews (Sept 2022) | Trane Technologies China Wins 2022 Outstanding Innovative Leader Award
特靈通訊(2022年9月)| 特靈科技中國斬獲 '2022傑出創新引領獎'

07.2022 | Trane eNews (July 2022) | Trane CenTraVac™ Chillers @HFO R514A Cools & Safeguards Priceless Treasures at HKPM
特靈通訊(2022年7月)| 特靈CenTraVac™ 冷水機組(配備HFO R514A環保冷媒)為香港故宮博物館的稀世珍寶提供製冷及安全保障(只提供英文版)

07.2022 | Trane Technologies Becomes One of the World’s First Net-Zero Approved Companies with Latest Validation by the Science Based Targets Initiative

06.2022 | Trane Glamour (June 2022) | Queensway Government Offices Project By Trane-EMSD-HKGBC Honored with Three ASHRAE AWARDS
特靈魅力(2022年6月)| 特靈-機電署-香港綠色建築議會合作的香港金鐘道政府合署項目榮獲三項 ASHRAE 大獎(只提供英文版)

06.2022 | Trane eNews (June 2022) | Trane Technologies Unveils Its Latest ESG Report, Highlights Progress Toward Bold Social and Environmental Sustainability Goals
特靈通訊(2022年6月)| 特靈科技發布最新ESG報告,強調其在實現“大膽的社會和環境可持續發展目標”方面取得的進展(只提供英文版)

06.2022 | Trane eNews (May 2022) | Trane Technologies Becomes One of the World's First Net-Zero Approved Companies with Latest Validation by the Science Based Targets Initiative
特靈通訊(2022年5月)| 特靈科技成為全球首批獲得“基於科學目標倡議”最新驗證的淨零批准公司之一(只提供英文版)


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M+ Museum

The M+ building in the West Kowloon Cultural District is one of the largest museums of modern and contemporary visual culture in the world. Situated at the southernmost edge of Kowloon overlooking Victoria Harbour, it is among Hong Kong’s most iconic landmarks, both monumental in its architectural form and radically open in its position in the urban landscape.

Trane Service Hong Kong provides M+ with routine maintenance, repair, and overhaul services for five sets of Trane CenTraVac™ seawater cooled centrifugal chillers.