The results of the biennial Quality Building Award (QBA) 2024 have been announced, with the Hong Kong Palace Museum (HKPM) receiving the highest accolade of the event, the 'Quality Excellence Award' as well as Grand Award in the category of Hong Kong Non-Residential (New Building – Government, Institution or Community). The judges determined that the project effectively integrated aesthetic, practical, and creative design elements while incorporating advanced technology to achieve green and energy-saving objectives, which are particularly embodying this year’s theme. Another project, The Henderson has been awarded both the Grand Award in the Hong Kong Non-Residential (New Building – Non-Government, Institution or Community) Category as well as this year special the ‘Innovative Project Award’.
The theme of this year's Quality Building Award is "Empowering Innovation, Sustaining Green, Generating Wellness". As a global climate innovator, Trane is always committed to providing ultra-high energy efficient and green HVAC solutions and services to our customers. By leveraging innovative technologies, Trane is dedicated to help aligning with the sustainable goals of green building owners by reducing their carbon emissions and increasing energy efficiency. The “Quality Excellence Award” winning project, the Hong Kong Palace Museum, in particular, selected Trane's next generation ultra-low Global Warming Potential (GWP) CenTraVac® chiller (GWP less than 2), with full-load coefficient of performance (COP) values reaching up to 6.33, exceeding the statutory requirement by 11%. This resulted in a notable increase in the project's energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction. The Henderson, winner of the 'Innovative Project Award', also selected Trane's cutting-edge SINTESIS™ chiller, which utilises the latest Variable-Volume-Index (VVI) compressor with an energy efficiency of up to COP 3.59. This surpasses the statutory requirements by 15%, ensuring to achieve high energy efficiency green building performance in the long run.
About Quality Building Award
The Quality Building Award (QBA) is a biennial award that recognizes buildings of outstanding quality and those that demonstrate outstanding teamwork. The provision of quality buildings is an essential ingredient of a prosperous and modern society, and the Quality Building Award aims to promote a collective commitment by the building industry to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and competitiveness.
Below is a list of outstanding winning projects in the Quality Building Awards 2024, in which Trane has actively participated in:- |