Top Stories 2018

6 DEC 2018

Latest Knowledge on HVAC Innovations & Green Technologies
Brought to You by Trane Training Class 2018

An annual event of HVAC sector, Trane Training Class 2018: "Go Green & Go Digital" took place at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 200 elites from our industry participated in this training class with a view to accessing to the latest knowledge on the HVAC innovations and green technologies.

"With a view to fulfilling the theme of our training class, that is go green and go digital, we will try hard to share our expertise in green technologies and HVAC innovations with various sectors in Hong Kong." Ir John Chan, General Manager of Trane Hong Kong (3rd from R) said.

21 NOV 2018

Innovative Technology Fusion for Next Challenging Century
Joint Symposium 2018 Supported by Trane

We have participated in the Joint Symposium 2018 organized by ASHRAE Hong Kong Chapter, CIBSE Hong Kong, HKIE and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a view to showcasing our Platinum-rated green products including Trane CenTraVac™ water-cooled chillers and Stealth™ air-cooled chillers, advanced innovations of Trane such as Air-Fi™ wireless system, Trane Smart DC fan coil unit and Trane VariTrac™ damper.

Our experts also introduced Trane's latest digital solutions to help customers see the 7/24 online real time performance of chiller plant and air-side systems via our mobile app: the Trane Tracer™ BAS Operator Suite in Hong Kong.

"With our Platinum-rated green chillers and leading innovations, we are confident in creating a sustainable environment in the next challenging century." said Ir Frankie Chan, Managing Director of Trane Hong Kong (2nd from L).

29 Oct 2018

Sharing the Innovative Technologies of Next-gen Chillers & Wireless Solution @ACRA Course
Trane Experts Facilitate HVAC Sustainable Development

With a view to facilitating the sustainable development, Trane has always been committed to sharing of our latest innovation, technologies and information about the HVAC industry.

This October, Dr. Philip Yu, Director of Environmental & Applications Engineering, Trane Asia Pacific, Ir K T Cheuk, Head of Engineering, Trane Hong Kong and Ir Glorisun Wong, Senior Manager of Trane Hong Kong will give talks at the Training Course on HVAC System & Product Updates 2018 organizing by the Hong Kong Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Association (ACRA). Click here to see the details now

27 Oct 2018

Trane Expert Delivered a Talk Titled "Green & Safe Refrigerants" @Eco Asia Conference

At the invitation of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Ir K T Cheuk, the Head of Engineering of Trane Hong Kong attended the Eco Asia Conference 2018. He delivered a talk titled "Green and Safe Refrigerants in Hong Kong" to share the latest knowledge and practical information on refrigerants. This conference is also co-organized by the Hong Kong Green Building Council. It is worth noting that environmental goals of the Council and Trane Hong Kong coincide with each other and we are working together with a view to creating a greener future. Source of pictures: The Hong Kong Green Building Council

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20 Sep 2018

Trane supports the Biz-Green Dress Day 2018

You may remember that Trane is the supporting corporation of the Hong Kong Green Building Week 2018 with a view to developing our sustainable future. Hence we also support the Biz-Green Dress Day.

On this day, all team members of Trane are encouraged to follow the Biz-Green dress code and help saving energy through minimizing air conditioning consumption in the office.

Meanwhile, three representatives from the Environmental Protection Department visit Trane’s office to share the details of Producer Responsibility Scheme (PRS) with our team members today (as shown on picture). This further proves that we value the importance of sustainability with our industry-leading technologies and innovations.

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30 Aug 2018

Trane Facilitates the Development of Green Buildings in Hong Kong

Trane has always been committed to respecting the environment by reducing energy consumption through the delivery of high performing and efficient products and systems. As the supporting corporation of the Hong Kong Green Building Week (HKGBW) 2018, Mr. Albert Lo, Head of Business Development of Trane Hong Kong (third from R), attended the Launching Ceremony of HKGBW 2018 with Mr. KS Wong, GBS, JP, the Secretary for the Environment of the HKSAR Government (second from L), and Ir Cary Chan, JP, Executive Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council on 30 August.

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Aug 2018

Choosing Trane’s Green and Efficient HVAC Systems & Solutions
Henderson Land Projects Win the Quality Building Award 2018

As the long-term business partnership with Henderson Land, we are delighted to provide our green and efficient HVAC systems and solutions including our Platinum-rated products of HK G-PASS, Trane CenTraVac™ Centrifugal Chillers to their new buildings, 18 King Wah Road Project and H QUEEN'S. Most vital of all, both of them become winners of “Oscar Award” for the construction industry in Hong Kong, Quality Building Award 2018. Click here to read more (only in TC version) now. (Source of picture: The Standard)

01 Aug 2018

Trane Hong Kong is on YouTube now

Trane CenTraVac™ Chillers: Episode of HK G-PASS Double Platinum Labels” is available on our YouTube channel now! In this episode, we have invited Ir Cary Chan, JP, Executive Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council to share the professional assessment criteria of HK G-PASS and its strategic significance in promoting green building products in HK. Meanwhile, Mr. John Chan, General Manager of Trane Hong Kong shares the competitive advantages of CenTraVac™ with you.

We would like to thank Ir. Cary Chan, JP for his participation and Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse for their support of our video shooting.

You may also watch this episode on both websites of Trane Hong Kong as well as HKGBC. And Click here to subscribe our YouTube channel NOW!

23 Jul 2018

Supporting “2018 Mainland and Hong Kong Construction Forum”

Trane is always committed to promoting the development of high quality and green buildings. This July, “2018 Mainland and Hong Kong Construction Forum” took place in Guizhou, China. This Forum was co-organized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Guizhou Provincial People's Government and the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government with the theme of enhancing construction quality & collaborating. (From left) Mr. Frankie Chan, Managing Director of Trane Hong Kong, Mr. Franklin Lau, Managing Director - Building Equipment & Products of the Jardine Engineering Corporation and Mr. Danis Chan, General Manager of Trane Service Hong Kong participated in this forum to share their professional views.

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12 Jul 2018

Trane Environmental, Health and Safety Week

With the launch of the Environmental, Health and Safety Week on the theme of “Safety Mindset and Awareness”, we continue our efforts in promoting safety awareness and performance among our colleagues in their daily work.

Apart from organizing a series of activities, we distribute a water bottle specially designed for the work safety theme this year (as shown in picture) to each of our colleagues. To contain the effect of summer heat on their health during work, they are reminded to take more water from time to time.

12 Jun 2018

Trane Smart Technologies Showcased @CLP Symposium

12 June, experts from Trane Hong Kong showed all the participants our innovations for the greener and smarter future, including Trane Air-Fi™ Wireless Control System and Smart DC Fan Coil Units at the CLP Power Smart Energy Symposium 2018.

Here, we thank China Light & Power Company again for inviting us to demonstrate our advanced technologies at Trane Hong Kong's booth. It is utmost vital for us to promote the importance of environmental-friendly HVAC systems with all our clients and the people in Hong Kong.

Related News:Trane Continues to Innovate HVAC Products to Address Customer Demand for Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

25 May 2018

Creating the Best "TAI KWUN" Experiences with New Innovations ––
The CenTraVac™ Chillers, High Performance Air Handlers with Trane CDQ™ Desiccant Dehumidification and Tracer™

Trane Hong Kong has been a long-term business partner of the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) and is fully committed to providing its latest innovation and technologies solutions for his projects.

The Central Police Station Revitalisation Project (Tai Kwun - Centre for Heritage and Arts as shown in picture, provided by HKJC) is the largest heritage conservation and revitalisation project led by HKJC and has been carried out in partnership with the Government. We are proud to take part in the project by providing the latest HVAC systems including our CenTraVac™, AHUs, CDQ™ & Tracer™ with a view to creating the most enjoyable experience for all of the visitors from Tai Kwun’s grand opening on 25 May.

27 Apr 2018

Sharing the Latest Transition of New Refrigerants by Our Expert
Trane Supports the Innovation & Technology Development of HVAC Industry as Always

As a leader in HVAC industry, Trane always supports the sharing of our latest innovation, technologies and information about our industry.

Ir K T Cheuk, Head of Engineering from Trane Hong Kong gave a talk about “Transition of New Refrigerant c/w Safety and Consideration” at “BS One Day Seminar 2018” organized by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 27 Apr.

08 Feb 2018

TYS Annual Dinner – Celebration of a Fruitful Year

TYS Ltd. Annual Dinner was held at City Hall Maxim's Palace on 8 February. Members of Trane Hong Kong, Trane Service Hong Kong and Hong Kong Air-conditioning Parts Centre were all invited to this remarkable event.

Mr. Frankie Chan, Managing Director, gave his opening speech for the dinner. “This year, Trane team achieved record-breaking results in various areas such as product delivery and energy retrofit projects,” he said. For the coming year, Mr. Chan believes a new height of success will be reached by the continuous efforts of all team members and support from valuable clients.

Without doubt, highlight of this evening was the lucky draw and about 100 prizes in total were given away.

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20 Jan 2018

Shared the Development of Refrigerant at RTHK
Acknowledging the HVAC expertise of Trane

Refrigerant is an essential part of the HVAC system and it is closely related to our daily life and even to climate change. In view of this, Trane accepted the invitation from "Climate Watcher", the radio programme of RTHK to conduct an interview on 20 Jan. During the live programme, Dr. Philip Yu, Director of Environmental & Applications Engineering, Trane Asia Pacific shared his professional knowledge about HVAC industry, from the basic concept of the refrigerant, to the latest development of it.

Dr. Yu unveiled the reasons why The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology can use our chillers for 20 years without refilling refrigerant with the audience and the presenter, Mr. Tony Woo – this is due to our industry-leading technology and the adoption of low-pressure refrigerant. As a consequence, the leakage of refrigerant can be minimized. More information, click here to catch up the programme now (the interview session is on "20/01/2018 - Part 2")! Here, we thank RTHK again for inviting us to attend the programme acknowledging the HVAC expertise of Trane. It is utmost vital for us to promote the importance of environmental refrigerants and HVAC systems with the Hong Kong people.

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