The M+ building in the West Kowloon Cultural District is one of the largest museums of modern and contemporary visual culture in the world. Situated at the southernmost edge of Kowloon overlooking Victoria Harbour, it is among Hong Kong’s most iconic landmarks, both monumental in its architectural form and radically open in its position in the urban landscape.
Trane Service Hong Kong provides M+ with routine maintenance, repair, and overhaul services for five sets of Trane CenTraVac™ seawater cooled centrifugal chillers.
Cultural Monuments and Art | |
Building Location 樓 宇 位 置 | Customer 客 戶 |
Chi Lin Nunnery
志 蓮 淨 苑 | Chi Lin Nunnery |
M+ Museum
M+ 博 物 館 | Hong Kong District Cooling Company Limited |
Hong Kong Palace Museum
香 港 故 宮 文 化 博 物 館 | Southa Technical Limited |
Tai Kwun
大 館 | The Jockey Club CPS Limited |